December 2

Walking across Hoshi no Buranko in north-eastern Osaka

November 26

A tiny rainbow cake with β€œGarion” in Katakana on top

November 19

Garion dressed as Nobita from Doraemon, next to two lovely (and equally costumed) regular customers at Bonchi.

halloween 2024.

October 16

Garion and Stephen posing in front of a panoramic view of central Osaka from the 50th floor in Tennoji

friends from new zealand! thank u for visiting 😭

October 9

two cinnabons and an iced coffee, awaiting consumption.

recently discovered Japan has Cinnabon.

uh oh.

August 21

View from bridge overlooking a channel in Taisho, Osaka. Tugboat Taisho can be seen prominently.

August 14

Wall of cave system in Okinawa World

August 8

I am safe following the earthquake near Kyushu; The main island of Okinawa is further from the epicentre than Osaka is πŸ™

August 7

wearing shorts for the first time in..... several years. sincere apologies to all who must bear witness πŸ₯²

August 6

View from window seat on airplane docked at Terminal 2 of Kansai International Airport

off to okinawa for a beach episode 🏝️
